Compassion is painful. That’s how you know it’s working.

25 Nov

Prometo que lo traduciré. Lo más pronto que me sea posible. Sin embargo, no podía dejar de postear esta nota. Muy oportuna sin importar donde estés ni cuándo la leas, por favor hazlo. Todo lo mejor para ti.

The Bloggess

I’m sad about last night for a lot of reasons.  And if you are human, and allow yourself to be so, then you probably are too.  Maybe it’s the verdict that upset you, or the destruction afterwards, or the long and difficult path that has led us here and has shown us we have so much further to go before we get to the place where we want to be…a place where kindness and compassion and vulnerability are the things which can be lauded and seen and encouraged and felt.  Or maybe, like me, you’re upset about all of those things and you feel too defeated to want to care anymore.

But if you’re like me, you can’t switch those emotions off.  It’s so much easier to turn those feelings of vulnerability and hurt into a shield of rage.  Rage feels powerful and strong.  It feels good.  And rage is important.  But…

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